High Temperature & Voltage Resistant PEEK Insulated Wire
1. Temperature resistance level
2. Products and specifications meet standards
NEMA MW85C, IEC 60317-56 and 60317-0-7, Thermal Life IEC 60950 Annex U, IEC 62368-1, UL 1446 Insulation Systems Standards.
3. Test conditions
IEC 60851, IEC UL 60950 Annex U, IEC 61558-1, IEC 61558-2-16, UL 2353。
ApplicationElectric motors, solenoid valves, transformers, electronic products.
1. Dielectric strength
2. Advantages
The insulation thickness of non-adhesive PEEK insulated wire ranges from 0.025mm~2.032mm with AWG sizes from #3~#40.
Technical Parameters:
*Insulation thickness can be increased by one level. |
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