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Rectangular PEEK insulated wire temperature resistance grade up to PEEK material -70 ~ +260℃. Enameled insulation > 40μmm or more, extruded thick insulation ≥ 50μmm or more. Products and specifications comply with standards IEC 60317-0-2, DIN EN 60317-0-2 - 10/2014, DIN EN 60851-6 - 2013. Widely used in transformers, industrial motors, ships, railroad vehicles, and flat-wire drive motor winding wires for hybrid and electric vehicles.
News 2024-7-2
LNG tank meter tape connecting wire with temperature resistance level up to: PEEK -70 ~ +260 ℃, PI material for: -190-240 ℃ in the petroleum industry can be used as cryogenic liquid nitrogen/helium/oxygen/LPG tank meter tape, temperature, pressure monitoring signal connecting wire and other fields.
News 2024-3-29
Low temperature resistant and irradiation resistant wire and cable PEEK temperature rating up to -60°C ~ +250°C. PI temperature range up to: -200°C ~ +250-300°C, rated voltage: 600V, mechanical strength: >80Mpa Scratch resistance: >10000 times. Product standards are in accordance with Halogen free: IEC 60754-2 / EN 60754-2. It can be used in the field of atomic energy industry, nuclear power/high-energy physics, medical irradiation resistance, internal wiring and connecting wires of aerospace instruments and meters, and motor windings under extremely low temperature conditions. Transportation magnetic levitation field. Medical equipment MRI signal cable, detection of superconducting magnets and their feeder systems, superconducting solenoid signal cable, ultra-low temperature and high field insulation cable.
News 2024-3-7
Wire and cable for nuclear power plants have a temperature resistance rating of -70 ~ +260℃. Heat aging time of 1100 to 1300 hours at 150°C accelerated aging temperature. Voltage resistance up to 300V 600V. meets the 4th generation nuclear power plant with more than 60 years of durability at 90°C operating temperature. Radiation resistant with high activation energy between 2.0 and 2.8 eV. Gamma radiation resistant: 850KGy for long time use. Meets safety standards for nuclear power plants, LOCA (Loss of Coolant Accident) test. Meets nuclear power plant design basis event (DBE) testing.
News 2023-12-30
High Temperature and High Voltage Resistant PEEK insulated wires with temperature ratings up to 220℃ and 240℃. Products and specifications comply with standards NEMA MW85C, IEC 60317-56 and 60317-0-7, thermal life IEC 60950 Annex U, IEC 62368-1, UL 1446 insulation system standards. Test conditions IEC 60851, IEC UL 60950 Annex U, IEC 61558-1, IEC 61558-2-16, UL 2353.Widely used in electric motors, solenoid valves, transformers, electronic products.
News 2023-11-19
On July 24, 2023, Unite Technical Material Co., Ltd. founded. And complete business registration registration on 2023-11-13.
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